Table 5: Calculated EHOMO, ELUMO, energy band gap (EH-EL), chemical potential (μ), electronegativity (χ), global hardness (η), global softness (S), and global electrophilicity index (ω) for the new complexes.

Compound EH (eV) EL (eV) (EH-EL) (eV) χ (eV) μ (eV) η (eV) S (eV−1) ω (eV) σ (eV)

Ni2+ complex −5.279 −3.507 −1.772 4.39 −4.39 0.886 0.443 10.87 1.12
Cu2+ complex −5.815 −5.049 −0.766 5.43 −5.43 0.383 0.192 38.49 2.61
Pt4+ complex −6.053 −3.984 −2.069 5.02 −5.02 1.035 0.517 12.17 0.966