Table 1: Descriptive statistics of all variables in the analytic samples.

Variable (N = 235) Mean SD

 Linguistic distancing −0.02 0.56
 CRP (without natural log [mg/L]) 1.95 3.40
 Age (years) 42.2 1.73
 Sleep (number of hours) 6.63 1.31
 Income (score on ladder) 3.37 3.01
 Waist circumference (cm) 95 17.2
 Exercise (vigorous activity per week) 3.84 1.80

 Sex 53.2% female
 Smoking status 22.1% smoke

Variable Mean SD

 Self-rated health (N = 473) 2.35 1.02
 Symptoms of depression (N = 477) 1.59 0.56
 Anxiety (N = 477) 1.70 0.52
 Dispositional optimism (N = 477) 4.18 0.69
 Role limitations due to physical health (N = 315) 48.3 10.6
 Social functioning (N = 315) 21.7 11.5

Note. Descriptive statistics of all variables in the analytic samples. Linguistic distancing was the score from the LIWC analyses. CRP was the level of CRP without the natural log mg/L. Age was quantified in years. Sleep was quantified as the number of hours of sleep on average per night in the past month. Income was quantified as the total assets minus the amount owed, which corresponded to a score on a ladder.Waist circumference was the waist size measured in centimeters. Exercise was the number of days a week vigorous activity was engaged.